Kata |
Remarks |
Lien to video |
1 |
Sanchin |
Means three battles or three wars. |
>> Video |
2 |
Gekisai ichi |
Means to attack (geki), to break (sai), one (ichi). |
>> Video |
3 |
Gekisai ni |
Means to attack (geki), to break (sai), two (ni). |
>> Video |
4 |
Saifa |
Means to break (sai) and to tear (fa). |
>> Video |
5 |
Seiyunchin |
Means to control (sei), to pull (yun) and battle (chin). |
>> Video |
6 |
Sanseru |
Means 36 hands (san: 3, sei: 10 and ru: 6). |
>> Video |
7 |
Shisochin |
Means fighting in four directions (shi 4, so: direction and chin: battle). |
>> Video |
8 |
Sepai |
Means 18 hands (se: 10 and pai: 8). |
>> Video |
9 |
Sesan |
Means 13 hands (se: 10 and san: 3). |
>> Video |
10 |
Kururunfa |
Means long control and suddenly attack (Ku: long, ru: to maintain, run: sudden way: to tear). |
>> Video |
11 |
Suparinpei |
Means 108 hands. |
>> Video |
12 |
Tensho |
Means rotating or fluid hands (ten: to turn, sho: palm). |
>> Video |